Theme settings

You can use Spark's Theme settings to adjust your storewide colors, fonts, and style, as well as configure your Product pages, Cart, Search, and Social media. You can also set the Theme style to one of our three presets: Chic, Ecstatic, Minimal.

From Spark's Customize theme editor, click on the Theme settings link to access theme-wide settings.

Each section in this article provides more detail about how these theme settings work and links to Shopify documentation for those settings that reach outside of Spark's scope.


From the Colors theme settings panel, you can set virtually every color that Spark uses across the theme, so you can completely customize Spark's look to match your branding and style.

We realize that having so many settings can be a bit confusing, so we have included example images that describe where and how the color is displayed for each setting.

Listed below are general color settings that are set globally for your store. Spark also includes color options specific to many other sections and features across your home page, collection pages, and product pages. These color options are found in the settings panel forthose individual sections.

Here are quick links to each sub-section of color settings:

  • General

  • Header

  • Footer

  • Buttons

  • Alternate Sections

  • Popovers

Settings reference

The General colors have the following settings:


Change the dominant background color of each page.

Note that the page background does not affect other sections that have their own background color, like the header, footer, and sections with alternate section colors enabled.


The line color of borders between sections of a page, and around any buttons and form inputs that have border lines.


The overlay color of a page. This color is shown when a modal window appears. You can see it when clicking the search icon, cart icon, or opening a drawer menu.


The body text color across your store.

The color for link text. Links appear in your store's body text.

See example images of each color option in blue:





Settings reference

The Header colors have the following settings:


Change the background color of the header.

When you use the transparent header feature, note that this color is displayed only some of the time.


Change the color of any text or icons that appear in the header. This includes the menu icon (☰) as shown on mobile.

Note that if you have not uploaded a logo, the text color is applied to your store name as well.

See example images of each color option in blue:



Settings reference

The Footer colors have the following settings:


Change the dominant background color of the footer.


Change the text color of the footer.

See example images of each color option in blue:



Settings reference

Set the colors of primary buttons across the storefront. Most buttons are considered primary buttons. They are usually "Buy" buttons, add-to-cart buttons and other calls to action.

The Button colors have the following settings:


Change the background color of the primary button.


Change the text color of the primary button.

You can see an examples of primary buttons in blue:



Settings reference

Some of Spark's sections allow you to enable alternate colors. When enabled, the section will use the colors below instead of the your regular text, button, and page colors.

The Alternate section colors has the following settings:


The background color for each alternate section.


The body text color for each alternate section.


The border color for each alternate section.

Button background

The button background color for each alternate section.

Button text

The button text color for each alternate section. See an example in blue:

The color of links in each alternate section.

See example images of each color option in blue:




Button background:

Button text:

Settings reference

The search bar, cart modals, and the drawers revealed by pressing on a menu icon (☰) also use these color settings.

The Popovers colors have the following settings:


Change the color of popover modal text.


Change the dominant background color of all popovers.


Change the line color of borders around your popovers.

Button background

Change the color of the button background on your popovers.

Button Text

Change the color of the button text on your popovers.

See example images of each color option in blue:



Button background:

Button text:


From the Fonts theme settings panel, you can change the fonts used across your store. Spark provides over 200 free fonts through Shopify's Font Library.

If you're still deciding on what fonts to use for your store, we thought you might be interested in some resources that can help you choose and pair effective typefaces.

Settings reference

The following Font settings are available:

Check the Capitalize text box to convert all logo text to capital letters.

Use the Letter spacing slider to increase or decrease the amount of space between each letter.

Use the Base size slider to increase or decrease the font size of the logo.


The font used for header text store-wide.

Check the Capitalize text box to convert all headings to capital letters.

Use the Letter spacing slider to increase or decrease the amount of space between each letter.

Use the Base size slider to increase or decrease the font size of all headings.

Body Text

The font used for body, link, and button text store-wide.

Check the Capitalize text box to convert all body text to capital letters.

Use the Letter spacing slider to increase or decrease the amount of space between each letter.

Use the Base size slider to increase or decrease the font size of all body text.

Product Listing Title

The font used for mini heading text store-wide. Meta text includes product price and info, and other store-related text.

Check the Capitalize text box to convert all product listing titles to capital letters.

Use the Letter spacing slider to increase or decrease the amount of space between each letter.


From the Style section of your Theme settings panel, you can change the style of page transition animations and buttons across your store.

Settings reference

The following Style settings are available:


From the Animation theme settings panel, you can enable or disable the transition animations when you navigate from page to page. When enabled, the pages fade into each other smoothly.


You can change the style and appearance of buttons across your entire store.

Use the Style dropdown to change all button text to All capitals.

Use the Shape dropdown to change all buttons to have a Sharp, Slightly round, or Round shape.


The Product page settings allow you to enable and configure swatches, chips, and an information pop up for all your Product pages and Featured product sections.

The following features in the Product section of your Theme settings panel are covered in detail in separate articles:

  • Swatches

  • Chips

  • Information popup

  • Product reviews

To learn more about other features and product options, view the Product pages template article. This article includes steps on how to set up the following features:

  • Product details

  • Product feature sections

  • Recommend products

  • Local pickup

  • Accordions

Settings reference

In addition to Swatches, Chips, and an Information popup, Products have the following setting:

Include sale percentage on sales badge

Add the percentage of savings on sales badges displayed on products across your store, include the home page and collection pages.


From the Cart section of your Theme settings panel, you can enable additional options on your cart page, including an add-to-cart notification and cart notes.

Settings reference

The following Cart settings are available:

Show notification when item is added to cart

Check this checkbox to open the cart drawer when the customer adds an item to their cart to let them edit their order or go to their cart or directly to checkout.

Enable cart notes

Check this checkbox to let customers add special shipping instructions for their order.

To learn how to edit your order notes label, see Shopify's Enable order notes on your cart page article

From the Quick search section in your Theme settings panel, you can customize how search results appear to customers. For example, you may want to include blog posts in search results, or include the product's vendor name.

Settings reference

The following Quick Search settings are available:

Results per category

For each product category, set the amount of results that should be displayed for a search.

This setting ranges from 1 to 6 results.

When you add or edit products in Shopify, you can add a product category.

Show articles

Include your store's articles (blog posts), if relevant, in search results.

Show pages

Include your store's pages, if relevant, in search results.

Settings reference

For each product search result, the following settings are available:

Show price

Show the product's price inline with its search results.

Show vendor

Show the product's vendor name inline with its search results.

Social media

From the Social media theme settings panel, you can add links to all of your social media accounts.

These links activate buttons that link to your social media pages. These buttons can be configured to appear in Spark's footer.

Here's what the buttons look like when active::

Configure social media accounts

To set social links up, put your social media page's URL into the matching field of your social media settings.

For example, a YouTube channel URL would look something like, where shopify would be your own username.


From the Favicon theme settings panel, you can upload a favicon.

Favicons are tiny icons that appear next to your site's title or URL in browser tabs, bookmark menus and address bars. The recommended image dimensions are 32px by 32px.

Settings reference

The following Favicon settings are available:


Upload or select a favicon image.

We recommend using a square icon with the minimum dimensions of 32px by 32px. All favicons will be resized to match these dimensions.

All modern desktop browsers support ICO, PNG and GIFs as favicons. See Favicons on Wikipedia for more information.


From the Checkout theme settings panel, you can change the look and feel of your checkout pages.

Checkout styles are a Shopify feature. So, Spark uses Shopify's standard settings.

For more information about these settings, see Shopify's Customizing the style of your checkout article.