
You can show customers a promotional popup notification if it looks like they might leave your store.

Lorenza looks for the customer's "exit intent" by detecting if your store is the focused window in their web browser. So, if the customer opened a new browser tab, Lorenza would flag this behavior as exit intent.

The popup feature encourages customers to sign up for your email newsletter.

Newsletter subscribers are added to your "accepts marketing" Shopify Customers list. You can learn more about how to manage Shopify customer emails from their Email subscriber list management and Using Shopify Email for email marketing article.

Note that the Newsletter home page section and Footer features also include a newsletter signup block, so you might want to check those out, too.

Configure the popup

  1. From your theme's "Customize" screen, select the Popup section.

  2. Check the Enable checkbox to enable the popup feature.

  3. Use the Popup position setting to choose where on the screen the popup should appear.

    Choose either Top left, Bottom left, Top right, or Bottom right.

    On mobile devices, the popup is always shown across the top of the screen, underneath the header.

  4. (Optional.) Use the Image file selector to select or upload your an image to be displayed on your popup.

    Here's a popup with an image:

    And here's one without an image:

  5. Add Heading and Subheading text.

  6. Change the style of the popup with the Background, Text, Input background and Input text color pickers.

    For these settings, "input" means the fields where a customer would input an email address.

  7. Click Save.

Settings reference

The popup feature has the following settings:


Turn the popup feature on.

Choose a location where the popup should appear on desktop devices.

Either Top left, Bottom left, Top right, or Bottom right.

On mobile devices, the popup always appears across the top of the screen, underneath the header.


Select or upload an image to be used as part of the popup.

If you don't add an image, the popup's layout is changed to accommodate this.


Add heading text for the popup.

We recommend keeping this to less than 7 words long.


Add subheading text to be displayed below the heading.

We recommend keeping this to a sentence or two.

Background color

Choose a background color for the popup.

Text color

Choose a text color for the popup. This is used for both the heading and subheading.

Input background color

Choose a background color for the field where a customer would enter an email address.

Input text color

Choose a text color for the text entered by the customer.